
Tuesday 10 December 2019

The Greatest of All Time

Teaser week:
Day 2- Sports & Leisure
Activity 3- The Greatest of All Time

On your blog, list three pros (advantages) and three cons (disadvantages) of being the GOAT of the chess world.

Pros of being the GOAT:
1. You will be famous and well known for the sport you love to do
2. Everyone would want to know and research about your process/history and wonder why you decided to play that type of sport/hobby
3. When your GOAT for 15 years, you'll be rich enough to buy expensive belongings you've always wished and wanted for

Cons of being the GOAT:
1. Sometimes people in the world can be jealous and find some way to cheat if they're playing against you 
2. Being famous can be a big deal and situation to handle which may lead to some bad consequences including jealously and hatred
3. If you play chess too much and gets in the way of spending time with your loved ones, family and important things, it can distraught you from what really matters

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